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The downside of addictions 

by Montserrat Garcia 

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary an addiction is :a strong inclination to do, use, or indulge in something repeatedly. Someone with an addiction needs a substance, that they can feel the pleasure to repeat the activity, despite the consequences. An  Addiction may involve the use of substances such as alcohol, inhalants, drugs, and nicotine, even gambling. Today I’m going to tell you the biggest addictions on people, their pros and cons, and how can you quit an addiction.

Top three Biggest addictions on people.

Tobacco (nicotine) – Over 40 Million

Nicotine addiction may not seem as bad as many other addictions. This is likely because tobacco products are legal and you can even get them at your local convenience store or even a gas station. And the side effects of abusing them take time to develop. Many smokers are not able to stop their addiction even though they know smoking’s impact on their health. Wanting to quit but being unable to is a significant sign of addiction.


Alcohol – 18 Million

The social acceptance of drinking can make alcohol addiction hard to realize . Despite its legal status, A lot of elder and young people abuse alcohol and get addicted really quickly even though they know it has numerous negative consequences. 

This is also a problem to society because it cannot only affect your life but also others. For example if you drunk drive and get into a car crash it cannot only affect your life but also the other person involved in the accident.


Marijuana – 4.2 Million

The legalization of marijuana in some states has made the drug’s more socially acceptable. This drug can distract people from marijuana’s addictive potential. The numbers of marijuana addiction might also be increasing due to it being legalized in a lot more states in the past few years. Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs with makes it one of the most addictive.

Pros and cons of addictions.

The only “pro” of addictions is that you feel good because it makes you feel that satisfactory feeling after doing it. But taking that away there are mostly cons. A bad thing about it its that every addiction is bad. Every addiction will bring negative consequences to your life. Both mental and physical damage can happen by doing everything in an excess. It can not only affect your self but also others around you 

How to quit an addiction.

Although it can be hard. There are many factors, physical, mental, and emotional, things that make quitting difficult. This is why so many people find treatment to guide them through the complicated process of quitting.

Understanding why quitting is so difficult can help you see that everyone overcoming an addiction goes through the same process as you do. It is not that you are weak or that you are failing any more than anyone else. I am going to give you 2 tips on how to quit.


1. Take Small Steps to Setting Patterns

Patterns don’t take hold instantly. It takes time for a habit to become a pattern or for an action to become a daily routine. Pretend you smoke everyday (at least once), and you have a goal of completely becoming  nicotine free. Instead of quitting and suddenly stop smoking , meanwhile putting yourself at risk for withdrawal, it is easier and more efficient to limit yourself to smaller smoking patterns. Setting small goals such as only allowing yourself one cigaret today with dinner rather than a smoke with every meal makes it easier to keep up with your goal and taking smaller steps instead of making a sudden change so you motivate yourself to continue your journey.


2. Make a list of positive changes you want in your life. 

Now that you've detailed all the negative effects of your addiction, think about how much your life will improve once you've kicked the habit. Ask yourself some questions on why is it a good idea to quit. 

Here are some examples of reasons you might want to quit:

  • Because you'll feel a sense of freedom you haven't had in years.

  • Because you will feel more confident in yourself.

  • Because you want to focus more on your future.

  • Because you want to have a healthier lifestyle.


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