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How bullying affects a persons life.

by: Romina Villarreal

For all my life I have experienced many different types of bullying, not exactly to me but, I have seen many cases were bullying has gone to a level that has made changes in peoples lives and change the way the act. Bullying is a problem that all teenagers have suffered, schools have always seen this as a very important case that needs to be taken care of with delicacy, since many teenagers today are able to do anything to bring a person down.

When I was 12 years old, I studied in an all girls school. An all girls school can be seen as a school were everybody is respected and treated with kindness, since there are no boys studying there, boys can be seen as the more brutal actors around bullying. But that is the complete opposite, girls do often get to bring their other friends down, this is mainly because of jealousy and to make them feel better about themselves. Back to the point, when I was 12 years old I experienced a case of bullying in my school. A new girl came up to my classroom this year, she was completely new, she lived in another country and new no one from the school. So of course that made her feel frightened and scared. To take of her shyness the teachers made her feel welcomed making all of my classmates introduce us to herself, after that the. Look on her face made us seem that she felt better.

After few weeks went through the girl was happy, she already was part of a group of

friends and was not shy at all. One thing that I did not mention before is that that girl loved to sing, she dreamt of being a famous singer when she grew up, and was always pursing her dream and talked about it all the time, and she was a really good singer and everybody looked up to her and always motivated her to pursue her dream. A weekend passed and on Monday everybody was talking about a video that was. On the internet, the video was my classmate singing a song. It was all over internet and had a huge amount of views and likes. Everything was great, she was pursuing her dream of becoming famous. Days passed and she began to receive negative comments and dislikes, all from the same user account, we tried to investigate who it was but it was anonymous and we could not find it. Weeks passed and she was still receiving more negative and even harsh offensive comments, it was getting out of hand. So, we decided to go reply into investigating who she was. It took us a lot of time to figure out who she was but we did figure it out. The anonymous account was a classmate of ours, we found out that she also sang for a hooby.

We concluded that sometimes people try to bring others down because of jealousy. Most of the bullying cases happen because somebody is jealous of other, in this case she was jealous on the way she sang and the attention she was getting, maybe she wanted it to and got jealous so decided to be offensive to bring her down.

Bullying: It's Not Ok Not-Ok.aspx

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